Netflix & Chill: Bridgerton

Just like everyone else, I jumped on the bandwagon with this one. Truth be told, I didn’t think it’d be my thing, but damn I LOVED IT!! Not sure if I’ll be reading the book yet. It’s not my kinda read..but we’ll see. I might be curious enough to wanna compare the show to the book.

What do you think? Is it worth the read? Or should I skip it?


I already had a few people in mind from the get go, but it took me till about episode 4/5 to figure it out. Turns out I was right! Still..I loved the big reveal at the end.

I really liked the diverse cast! They couldn’t have chosen a better Simon & Queen!

I also loved Lady Danbury.

Bless her heart and soul! She was such a fantastic mother figure. All the characters were great to be honest. The cast and costumes were just incredible!

You gotta hand it to Shonda Rhimes for producing an awesome scandalous show (as always).

For anyone who’s into steamy romance, forbidden love, fake dating, scandals & gossip. YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS!

I do have to say, I definitely would not watch this with my children around!! 😉

My Rating: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Have you watched it yet? Plan to?

Book Vs Show: A Discovery Of Witches by Deborah Harkness

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ (for the book)

After watching the first season and loving it, I decided to give this book a second go. I had DNF’d it the first time, which was back in my Twilight loving days.


As with any book to film adaptation, the book is always more detailed and obviously different than the show. Personally, I’m glad I watched the show first! It was SO good!!


– It started off strong with the mention of witches, vampires, daemons and a mysterious manuscript (Ashmole 782).

– I loved the setting and all the magic that Diana possessed. I just wish we got to see more of that, rather than spend the entire time with Diana reading textbooks, drinking tea, eating, drinking wine, drinking more tea, sleeping and other useless activities that had no relevance.


– I really enjoyed the chemistry between Matthew & Diana on screen. Unfortunately, the book was too PG for my liking, and I wasn’t as invested in their relationship as I was with the show.

– The characters are a little different in the show than in the book, which was totally fine by me. Some of the ones that took a back seat or were merely mentioned, played a much larger role in the show, which I really liked. I loved how the power of witches and vampires were shown in the show. It’s only in the book that we learn what daemons are capable of.

-There was definitely waay more action in the show versus the book. I found the book slow, making it hard for me to want to binge read. Hardly anything happens in the majority of the book.

I did however, enjoy the background history on the Bishops, Matthew & Ysabeau de Claremont that we get to see in the book, that was missed on screen.


It’s a very rare occurence when I like a show or movie adaption better than the book.

While I enjoyed the book, I didn’t love it like I did the show. It had the potential to be an amazing read, but got caught up in too many mundane details.

To be honest, if I hadn’t watched the first season and loved it, 1) I would have never picked up the book again and 2) I would have DNF’D it..AGAIN.

My advice: WATCH THE SHOW!! (Whether you’ve read the book or not).

The Outsider: Book vs HBO Series


The Book: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Show: 🔥🔥🔥 1/2 out of 5

I had been looking forward to watching the show for months! But I wanted to read the book first. Maybe that was my mistake. But I didn’t want to ruin the book like I have in the past.

Let me just start by saying..I LOVED the book! It gave me a hangover. I thought the show would do the same, but didn’t!

Instead, I was disappointed. Don’t get me wrong. The cast was great and played their characters well. But as weird as it is to say, it was slow! Now when it comes to Stephen King, it’s usually the other way around. His books are slow burn and long. But not this one in my opinion. I flew through the book!

Like any book to film adaptation, there are always missing details. Had I not read the novel, I think I may have been confused as to what was happening on screen. (So maybe I didn’t make a mistake 😜)

While I appreciate the creators trying to stick closely to the book, I feel like it may have been better to just go a different direction instead.

Have you read the book or watched the show? What did you think?

Netflix Binge: Love Is Blind #LoveIsBlindNetflix

It’s been a while since I’ve watched reality TV, but I freaking loved this show and binge watched it!

The whole concept of it is genius! Not being able to see one another with any outside influences or distractions..

I mean, let’s be real. I think we’re all guilty of judging how the person looks on some level.

Ok, so let’s talk about the couples..who we loved and who we didn’t! I’ve been itching to talk about it!

**If you haven’t seen it yet, stop reading now, cause I’m about to ruin it for you if you haven’t watched it!**


I was rootin for Lauren and Cameron the whole time! I really loved them each individually and together. They were definitely a great match for each other and I was SO happy Lauren said yes!!


I really didn’t like Jessica! I hated how she threw herself at Barnett behind Mark’s back! She’s incredibly shallow and it’s no wonder she’s still single to be honest. I do have to say, I was hoping she would change and make the right choice when she picked Mark. But I just couldn’t get past some of the things she said and did. I was upset for Mark! He seems like an incredibly sweet guy and didn’t deserve that.

Even after the fact, he still stuck up for her! I hated that actually! I would have been pissed after finding out her feelings for Barnett and not being honest about it! I fucking hate liars!! And she’s a big fat liar liar, pants on fire!! 🤬

Mark. You deserve soo much better than that!


Amber & Barnett

I was shocked that Barnett ended up saying yes. He was a dog and had some red flags from the get-go. Definitely the kind of guy you wanna steer away from.

I know..Amber wasn’t any better with her debt and wanting to be a stay-at-home mom. Woman. Get a fucking job! Am I right?!

She may have been a little annoying at times, but I do give her respect. She kept it real the whole time and I felt she deserved to be happy. And in all fairness, she did say she was working during the reunion episode.

Damian & Giannina

Not gonna lie. It bothered me how degrading G could be. I cringed.

Buutt..she’s also young and has a lot of growing up to do. So I was really glad to see how far she’s come along during the reunion.

I did think she had a sweet and sensitive side though. So I’m glad her and Damian worked things out!

Ken & Kelly

Kelly, Kelly, Kelly..*shaking my head* another shallow one! When will these bitches learn?!! (Umm..never!)

OK, but in all fairness, she was straight up about it and didn’t really hide it! But in the end, it was like, why do that to the poor guy?!! Why not just tell him you were having second thoughts?!

I’m so glad Ken found someone else in the end.

Was it just me, or did it seem like he had a bit of a chip on his shoulder at the reunion, by feeling the NEED to say he found the most amazing person?? I dunno. It felt kinda forced to me. He coulda just said he was with someone and is happy. End of story.

Diamond & Carlton

Kudos to Carlton for coming out! 👏👏👏

I wish he woulda done it sooner though. Like when they were in the pods. I think he could’ve avoided that major blow out he had with Diamond. True colours would have come out way sooner too.

You live and you learn.

Who was your fave couple? Least faves? Let me know in the comments!

47 Meters Down: Uncaged #SharkBait

I just realized it’s been quite sometime since I’ve talked about what I’ve been watching.

Hands up if you’re into shark movies or sharks! 🙋‍♀️

Aside from Jaws, some of the best sharks movies I’ve seen to-date are:

Soul Surfer

-which is based on a true story

The Shallows

-with Blake Lively (I love her).

47 Meters Down

I was pleasantly surprised by how good 47 Meters Down was! It was incredibly intense! Like walking in a haunted house, in the dark, waiting for something to jump out at you and scare the bejeezus out of you. So of course, when I saw the new trailer for 47 Meters Down: Uncaged, I HAD to see it! And hello?! John Corbett is in it!

There was no mercy in this story!

I have to be honest, there was one character I really wanted to see get eaten by a shark, but never did!! Highly disappointing if you ask me.

Otherwise, it was good..but I thought the first one was WAY better.

This one was predictable. Even my 5 year old knew what was gonna happen! Now I’m not suggesting you go let your child watch this one, cause it is rated 14A. But I just happen to have a 5 year old who is quite the thrill seeker (like his mom) and not afraid, and LOVES sharks.

Would I buy the DVD? Probably not. However, it made for a good movie night and would recommend renting it or waiting for it to come out on Netflix. 😜

My Rating: 🍅🍅🍅/5

Have you seen it? Or the first one?

Favourite TV Series

I don’t know about you, but when I’m in a reading slump or just want to take a break from reading, I like to go on a binge of either reruns, or catch up on missed episodes of shows I’m following.

What are some of your favourites?

Here are some of mine:


Sex And The City



Stranger Things

Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina



Game of Thrones


Netflix Binge: Stranger Things 3

** Spoiler Alert: If you haven’t watched Season 3 yet, stop right here. I’m about to reveal some major spoilers. **

My Rating: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥/5

This season was full of surprises!!

Just when you think there can’t possibly be anymore story to tell for Stranger Things, guess again!

I’m not even gonna bother doing a recap cause if you’re reading this, you already watched the entire season and know what happens. 😜

Let’s talk characters! What did we think about the introduction of Robin & Suzie?

Admit it, you thought Suzie was made up! I did too initially. Well..okay, maybe not totally made up, but I did think that Dustin had a crush on a girl while he was away and possibly thought it was more than it really was. Who knew Suzie ACTUALLY turned out to be the real deal!!

I liked Robin! And I also liked that she was a lesbian. Ending up with Steve would have been a total cliche.

Poor Steve! He finally wins a fight, yet somehow manages to get his ass beat…AGAIN!

I’m sorry, but Erica mostly annoyed me.

Billy…I loved to hate him cause he was such a shit bag, but Dacre Montgomery plays him so well!! I honestly assumed he was dead as soon as he was caught by the Mind Flayer. I definitely didn’t think we’d see that emotional part of him. Did you? I was kinda sad to see him killed. 😕

How bummed were you when Eleven lost her powers? Do you think she’ll get them back?

Man..Joyce just can’t catch a break! First she lost Bob, now Hopper? Right at that scene when she blows the machine up, I was like WTF?! Did Hopper just die?!! And seriously.. who is the “American” that is in the Russian prison? Is it Hopper? or maybe even Murray?

What did you think of season 3?

Netflix Series: Dirty John @Netflix_CA #netflix #DirtyJohn

My Rating: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥/5

After being hung over on YOU, a co-worker suggested I watch Dirty John.

For those of you who don’t know, it’s based on a true crime podcast of the life of John Meehan, who was a con artist and sociopath.

I’m someone that likes to watch trailers before I dive into anything, and of course, I was already sold on this one as soon as I saw Connie Britton being casted. Because it’s a true story, I was intrigued and wanted to know the real story.

Let me just say, even though I already knew the whole story before watching the show, it didn’t take away from being able to enjoy it.

Eric Bana is totally hot by the way! With his looks, I think most women would be blinded and look past the red flags. The real John Meehan on the other hand, looks like a total perv and pedophile if you ask me.

The whole valley girl thing with Veronica and Terra were kind of annoying, but I loved that they had enough brains to not fall for John’s bullshit act.

If you haven’t seen it, go frikkin watch it already!! It’s another binge worthy series with only 8 episodes.

Have you seen it? Have you listened to the podcasts?

Netflix Series: You #Netflix #BookToFilm @Netflix_CA @CarolineKepnes

My Rating: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥/5

I had this book on my TBR, but couldn’t help myself and wanted to watch the show first!

I found it highly addictive and as always, binge watched it till the sun rose.

Let me just say, this show was totally F-U-C-K-E-D UP! So juicy, with some really great twists!

The Characters

Joe Goldberg

A seemingly normal guy who manages a bookstore, but turns out to be a total creeper. The thing is, on the surface, there’s nothing about him that spells STALKER or CREEPY when you first meet him. In fact, the way his character is written and portrayed, you almost feel empathy for this guy at times.

Bravo 👏. This character was incredibly well played and well written!


OMG. So different from Emily in Pretty Little Liars. She surprised me the most! Definitely a character you love to hate and gets under your skin.


Beck, Beck, Beck..this girl is just a wreck with all kinds of issues! Seriously. Face palm! 🤦‍♀️ I shook my head on multiple occasions. Girl! You are better than that!

I did find myself rooting for her till the very end though.

Dr. Nicky aka 🦊

Ok, really!? Who wouldn’t want to bang the hot therapist?!! I would’ve lost the stache though.

Poor Dr. Nicky! The unknowing participant who winds up in prison for something he didn’t unfortunate. I hope his outcome turns out differently in season 2. Justice must prevail!!


Joe’s first love and victim. Throughout the show, you’re left with the mystery of what really happened to her, which isn’t revealed and for good reason. All we know is that she’s dead and haunts Joe in his waking life.

I highly recommend this show if you’re looking for a good thriller. 🙂

I’m looking forward to comparing the book!

Have you watched it? Read it? Let me know your thoughts!!

Netflix Binge: The Sinner @Netflix_CA #TheSinner #NoFilterFridays

My Rating: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥/5

Holy shit, this show was wild! I legit stayed up till 7am binge watching season 1, even though I had to work the next day. Good thing my shifts start at 5pm or I’d be screwed for sleep! Totally worth it though 🙂

What it’s about..

I actually had no idea it was based on a novel until now. But in the first season, Detective Ambrose (played by Bill Pullman) digs into the past of a woman named Cora, (played by Jessica Biel) to determine why she stabs a man to death during a beach outing with her husband and young child.

Cora suffers from PTSD and has trouble remembering parts of her past. Each episode connects the dots, making it an addictive show to watch.

Have you seen it or read the book? Let me know!

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